Valdeascas Gorge
Sierra de Gredos
Valdeascas Gorge

Leaving from the Navarredonda de Gredos gas station, we take the Carretera de la Nava just to its right, following it without deviating from it, going down the Cuesta de los Barreros, to Tamborríos, passing the Camping “Navagredos” that we leave on our left, and reaching a bifurcation a few meters from it to the left and right.
We continue along this asphalt road to the left, without leaving it, and following its route which, after approximately fifty meters, turns to the right. A few meters away we see on the left an old mill currently used as a kiosk-picnic area, which we leave behind, crossing two bridges and continuing straight on until we reach the Valdeascas Camp that we find on our right, just where said paved road ends.
From this point a gentle ascent begins along a dirt path, which takes us into the Valdeascas Gorge, encased in an impressive granite area, and which takes us to an area of beautiful waterfalls and magnificent pools, which in summer constitutes a place ideal for refreshing baths, this enclave being one of the favorites for our visitors.